Class TimelineWindow


  • TimelineWindow


  • Construct a TimelineWindow.

    This abstracts the separate timelines in a Matrix [Room](Room.html) into a single iterable thing. It keeps track of the start and endpoints of the window, which can be advanced with the help of pagination requests.

    Before the window is useful, it must be initialised by calling [load](TimelineWindow.html#load).

    Note that the window will not automatically extend itself when new events are received from /sync; you should arrange to call [paginate](TimelineWindow.html#paginate) on [Timeline](../enums/RoomEvent.html#Timeline) events.


    • client: MatrixClient

      MatrixClient to be used for context/pagination requests.

    • timelineSet: EventTimelineSet

      The timelineSet to track

    • opts: IOpts = {}

      Configuration options for this window

    Returns TimelineWindow


client: MatrixClient

MatrixClient to be used for context/pagination requests.

eventCount: number = 0
timelineSet: EventTimelineSet

The timelineSet to track

windowLimit: number


  • Check if this window can be extended

    This returns true if we either have more events, or if we have a pagination token which means we can paginate in that direction. It does not necessarily mean that there are more events available in that direction at this time.


    true if we can paginate in the given direction


    • direction: Direction

      EventTimeline.BACKWARDS to check if we can paginate backwards; EventTimeline.FORWARDS to check if we can go forwards

    Returns boolean

  • Try to extend the window using events that are already in the underlying TimelineIndex.


    true if the window was extended, false otherwise.


    • direction: Direction

      EventTimeline.BACKWARDS to try extending it backwards; EventTimeline.FORWARDS to try extending it forwards.

    • size: number

      number of events to try to extend by.

    Returns boolean

  • Get the TimelineIndex of the window in the given direction.


    The requested timeline index if one exists, null otherwise.


    • direction: Direction

      EventTimeline.BACKWARDS to get the TimelineIndex at the start of the window; EventTimeline.FORWARDS to get the TimelineIndex at the end.

    Returns null | TimelineIndex

  • Initialise the window to point at a given event, or the live timeline


    • Optional initialEventId: string

      If given, the window will contain the given event

    • initialWindowSize: number = 20

      Size of the initial window

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Attempt to extend the window


    Promise which resolves to a boolean which is true if more events were successfully retrieved.


    • direction: Direction

      EventTimeline.BACKWARDS to extend the window backwards (towards older events); EventTimeline.FORWARDS to go forwards.

    • size: number

      number of events to try to extend by. If fewer than this number are immediately available, then we return immediately rather than making an API call.

    • makeRequest: boolean = true

      whether we should make API calls to fetch further events if we don't have any at all. (This has no effect if the room already knows about additional events in the relevant direction, even if there are fewer than 'size' of them, as we will just return those we already know about.)

    • requestLimit: number = DEFAULT_PAGINATE_LOOP_LIMIT

      limit for the number of API requests we should make.

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Remove delta events from the start or end of the timeline.


    • delta: number

      number of events to remove from the timeline

    • startOfTimeline: boolean

      if events should be removed from the start of the timeline.

    Returns void

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